
Once your customers have browsed the Catalog and added items to the shopping Cart, they will have to check out and pay for the order. There are to 2 options to do this:

  1. Hosted Checkout: redirect the user to the hosted WebLink portal. This is the recommended option, as it greatly reduces the effort to gather user details and process payments.
  2. Custom Checkout: built using our WebLink API

Moreover, the first, recommended option is also easily available by using our Cart widget, which includes a button to start the checkout on our hosted pages (this is part of our standard WebLink widgets offering.

Hosted Checkout

In the example below, <portalBaseUrl> refers to your WebLink portal address such as

If you started your session with Guest authorization, you can just redirect to our hosted checkout URL:

https://<portalBaseUrl>/checkout?cartID=<Cart ID>&portalToken=<Portal Token>&originalSite=<Original site>
Request parameters

You will require the following parameters in the query string above:

Cart ID (required) The ID of the cart in the user session, created by the Create cart mutation.

Portal token (required) The Portal token obtained following the Guest user authorization method.

Original site (required) The URL that users will be navigated to if they click "Return to catalogue", etc.

The following parameters can also optionally be provided to enable additional functionality:

Locale (locale) The locale to use (e.g. en-US, en-GB etc.). Defaults to the user's browser's selected locale if not provided.

Post-checkout redirect URL (postCheckoutRedirectUrl) A URL (e.g. that users will be navigated to after they successfully complete their order.

Custom Checkout

Read the rest of the documents in this Checkout section in order to use our WebLink API to

  1. Update the Cart with buyer details
  2. Update the Cart with learner details
  3. Gather payment information
  4. Place the order