Version 2.5 (v2.5)
The Administrate API provides a set of filters which are useful for requesting a restricted set of results to avoid further processing and reduce bandwidth. This allows the possiblity to return records between a set of dates, for example, or all those records that belong to a list of ids.
Name | Operator | Usage |
Exactly equal, default | __eq | attribute__eq=[value] |
Not equal | __ne | attribute__ne=[value] |
Less than | __lt | attribute__lt=[value] |
Less than or equal | __le | attribute__le=[value] |
Greater than | __gt | attribute__gt=[value] |
Greater than or equal | __ge | attribute__ge=[value] |
Like, % in query matches any string | __lk | attribute__lk=[value] |
Not Like | __nl | attribute__nl=[value] |
Contains | __ct | attribute__ct=[value] |
Starts with | __sw | attribute__sw=[value] |
Ends with | __ew | attribute__ew=[value] |
In, ie 2 is ‘in’ 1,2,3,4 | __in | attribute__in=value_1[,value_2]* |
Not in | __ni | attribute__ni=value_1[,value_2]* |
All endpoints support pagination and will return only 50 records, further records can be accessed by appending the parameter _page to the query for example:
Request | Response |
GET /api/v2.5/crm/opportunities | JSON list of first 50 Opportunities |
GET /api/v2.5/crm/opportunities?_page=2 | JSON list of second 50 Opportunities |
GET /api/v2.5/crm/opportunities?_limit=100 | JSON list of first 100 Opportunities |
GET /api/v2.5/crm/opportunities?_limit=100&_page=3 | JSON list of third 100 Opportunities |
Headers are sent to communicate what information is available:
Header Name | Description | Example Data |
X-Pagination-Page | Current Page | 1 |
X-Pagination-Pages | Available Pages | 2 |
X-Pagination-Per | Records per page | 50 |
X-Pagination-Total | Total number of records | 75 |
You can limit the results of a request using the _limit parameter
curl -k -u <username>:<password> \
You can order the results of a request using the _order parameter, which takes one or more attributes to order by. By default this will be in ascending order, to sort in descending order prefix the attribute by ‘-‘.
Example ordered by name in ascending order
curl -k -u <username>:<password> \
Example ordered by name in descending order
curl -k -u <username>:<password> \